Baby Business: gorilla baby Yola at Woodland Park Zoo

  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ
  • baby Yola lowland gorilla WPZ

Project Description

A recent visit to Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo’s Western lowland gorilla exhibit, to watch the public and new baby gorilla. Baby Yola, seven month old Western lowland gorilla, made her public debut a week earlier. She now is drawing large crowds hoping for a glimpse of her playful cuteness, but what does she tell the public about the crisis gorillas face in the wild? What conservation message if any is Yola conveying? Yola is one of a dozen babies AZA member zoos will present to the public in 2016. Yola will likely live another 50 years, all captive. More thoughts in my blog post Baby Business: Why are great ape babies being born in zoo?

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