Quote on 2002 gorilla deaths: The New York Times
Deforestation and human encroachment displaces these species and forces heightened interaction between people and animals indicating a high potential for disease transmission as we have seen from the toll of Nipah virus, Avian Influenza and SARS. EcoHealth Alliances Project Deep Forest seeks identify how and why this is happening.
PREDICT: is conducting global surveillance to detect and prevent spillover of pathogens of pandemic potential that can move between wildlife and people. The project is part of USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program and is led by the UC Davis One Health Institute, which is part of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. The implementing partners are USAID, Wildlife Conservation Society, EcoHealth Alliance, Metabiota and Smithsonian Institution.
EcoHealth Alliance: is a global environmental health nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting wildlife and public health from the emergence of disease.
Quote on 2002 gorilla deaths: The New York Times