friday 21 august
Watered Down, Conservation Is Simple, Stop Doing What You’re Doing
tuesday 18 august
"In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with the extension of the senses we have lost or never attained,
wednesday 5 august
Research days back at home in Portland can be just as adventurous—mentally—as any on the road. Sometimes they take me down some really interesting roads, and like being in the field, sometime down some backroads I never thought I would be wandering down when the day started.
tuesday 28 july
Despite what many will tell you, numbers can lie and only fools follow them blindly. But maybe more importantly numbers, like us all, age.
wednesday 22 july
Boycotting palm oil — is it worth it? does it work?
monday 20 july
Surprisingly, I’m discovering the book you haven’t written may be the best one you need to read.
monday 13 july
A new wide-angle look and renewed energy for working on Great Apes 2o2o in Borneo.
wednesday 27 may
Is conservation broken?
tuesday 26 may
“Humanity today is like a walking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world... "
sunday 3 may
A shot in the dark —
Crack, pop, and the sound trails away, far into the dark of the night….