January Primate of the Month: Mountain Gorilla
December Primate of the Month: Mandrill
HCVs are they the magic bullet to save orang-utans or alibis to destroy?
Can palm oil plantations and biodiversity coexist? Some are placing their hopes on HCVs - High Conservation Value areas to be the magic bullet.
On the Road to RSPO
On the Road to RSPO
wednesday 28 october
... no matter where on Earth you travel there are only 24 hours in a day, eventually this one will end,...
monday 19 october
— I'm finding babies everywhere!
wednesday 14 october
The plantation haze drifts over Singapore, the products drift all around the world.
friday 2 october
But I have to ask, what is this wildness 200 years from now that these regenerated endangered species will crawl, swim and fly into?
wednesday 30 september
In a post-conference gathering someone said to me, "what a great job, like a vacation all the time." Ya right. Who choses vacation spots based on their hazardous air 'quality'?
monday 21 september
I feel like I'm cramming for a chemistry exam. Thursday this week is the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative conference in San Jose, California and much of it will be focused on the sourcing of Coltan...