wednesday 22 july
Boycotting palm oil — is it worth it? does it work?
monday 20 july
Surprisingly, I’m discovering the book you haven’t written may be the best one you need to read.
monday 13 july
A new wide-angle look and renewed energy for working on Great Apes 2o2o in Borneo.
tuesday 23 june
‘Delayed Departure Depression’ it may not be an official syndrome, but it’s oh so real. Today I have it. Delta flight #DL623 bound for Tokyo and on to Singapore, and then Medan, Sumatra. I’m not on it.
wednesday 27 may
Is conservation broken?
tuesday 26 may
“Humanity today is like a walking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world... "
sunday 3 may
A shot in the dark —
Crack, pop, and the sound trails away, far into the dark of the night….
friday 1 may
A slippery future —
After six days in the rainforest I was too exhausted last night to do anything but wash the sweat off, and search for a bite to eat and a beer. I walked into Limbe along the bluff that stares at the sole Cameroonian near-shore oil rig, in the Bay of Guinea, it’s now is flanked by two new exploration ships—the bay will someday be littered with rigs.
saturday 25 april
It has small complaint —
Somewhere around six-thirty last night the sun disappeared in a golden peach swirl of storm clouds over the Bonny Bight and into Nigeria, apparently so to my internet connection from the Hotel Marimare.
monday 20 april
Into Korup NP —
I knew this was my only opportunity to see inside Korup NP, I wanted to get an early start and make a full day of it, which included getting well inside the rainforest.