Thanks Philly Zoo!
A Year of Thanks — 2015-2016 Global research and reporting on great apes made possible in part through the generous financial support of the Philadelphia Zoo
For Peat’s Sake
For Peat’s Sake — Honestly, peat is not something most of my life I have given much notice to. No, let me amend that – zero notice to.
When There are No Words
When There are No Words — Witnessing death is a paralyzing event. Standing and staring at charred bodies, those with whom you have spent so many loving hours, gone.
HCVs are they the magic bullet to save orang-utans or alibis to destroy?
Can palm oil plantations and biodiversity coexist? Some are placing their hopes on HCVs - High Conservation Value areas to be the magic bullet.
RT13 Trifecta of Environmental Hope
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil version RT13 wasn’t even over and folks were asking me, ‘well, what do you think?’
RSPO – How Round is your Roundtable?
How Round is your Roundtable? That’s one of the questions I hope to answer over the coming week at the RT13 - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil conference. Is the Roundtable a metaphorical hope, or something more concrete?
On the Road to RSPO
On the Road to RSPO
Breath Deep the Gathering Gloom
Breath Deep the Gathering Gloom
Searching for Reason in a Dark Time
This story still lingers, like the BP disaster its impact will be felt for years, long after rains quell the haze, and the crime scene will remain, but don’t count on the media to report on the felony.
In the Shadow of Legends
In the Shadow of Legends