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tuesday 26 may

With Cameroon still lingering in my rearview mirror, but front and center in my thinking, and Kalimantan Borneo rising on the horizon, I have been focused on understanding conservation — what it means now, what were we dreaming of when we invented it, and what it must become if it is to save us.  I ran across this thought by naturalist and thinker E.O. Wilson.

“Humanity today is like a walking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world. The mind seeks but cannot find the precise place and hour. We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and danger to ourselves and to the rest of life.”



2015-2016 Global research and reporting on great apes made possible in part through the generous financial support of the Philadelphia Zoo

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